Saturday, August 10, 2013

He said he was gonna trim my bush.

I said no.  I had done it within the past month and would do it again myself.
He doesn't listen.  He trimmed it anyway and when I saw it I was aghast, appalled and in disbelief!
It was my Hydrangea Tree.  He had cut off every bloom that was about to fully open.

Um.....apparently I have been away for too long.  I have to have my blog tied in to my Google acct.?  Don't know how to do that without losing all my followers and more inportantly....those I follow.
Help anyone?


Unknown said...

I have no idea about the google +1 thing or not. I read everyday in ignorant bliss.
I would kill anyone who tried to strim my hydrangea bush xx

Ms. A said...

Blogger is already tied to Google, you probably mean Google+... which is more of a social network like Facebook. No thanks!

Outcast said...

I have no idea how to answer the question about Google but I'm glad that the trimming situation didn't get too out of hand!

raydenzel1 said...

love the title!
google plus expands your blogosphere.

My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

I didn't tie into anything
( Google). Unless I have to, I WON'T! I like "familiarity" and some Privacy.
The day comes that I have to go Public, I'm out of here. I shit you not!

Like....was this bush trimming the ONLY THING needing done in your yard or house? I think NOT!
I see meanness in that action. No one cuts buds off anything unless they are taking a cutting to propagate orrrrr are being vengeful.
(((hugs m/f))) (((hugs)))

middlechild said...

Glad you got my "drift" ♡

Vapid Vixen said...

You actually don't HAVE to tie it in to Google+. I didn't and I'm not going to.

lotta joy said...

I was kicked out of my own email due to google popping up and saying I had to sign in to something or the other, and when I didn't, I lost my email!! After three days, I finally hit the "OKAY. ALRIGHT. ENOUGH!" button and was gifted with my email again. Lord only knows what I agreed to.

My husband offered to trim the EIGHT huge bushes one day when I was feeling wimpy. I swear, those level, even bushes that I cared for, were turned into a roller coaster.

Furry Bottoms said...

I've been using It is the closest thing to google reader that Ive seen so far. I'm still getting used to it. Give it a try!

bj said...

I hate Google+ with a passion....
and I can't believe one would even go NEAR a hydrangea bush with cutting shears....OH MY....I can't help but think this was his mean streak showing the way, is his health still ok now.?

Grammy Goodwill said...

Sorry about the bush, but I'm glad to hear from you.

Unknown said...

Your title is probably going to get you a lot of visits from readers expecting something else...

Blogger insisted early on that tying the blog to Google was not going to be required. I am on Google+, but I still have my old followers as well. Hasn't been a problem for me.

The Queen said...

I tried Google + that thing sucks a donkey's ass. It's like facebitch, once you do it, you are never really free of it. You can delete it but if you check, it's still there. Just like facebitch.

The day I have to go public, I too am out of here. There are too many other formats for blogging. I will not be forced into anything unless they promise to leave a hundred on the dresser before they leave!

and I say, turn about fair play.. go trim his buds off..

Strayer said...

You are so funny, bush trimming. I thought you were descending into a porn site, with the bobble head post, then I read the bush trim.

Screw google and their police state action. They wanted me to change the name of my youtube site to a better name, my real name. What is wrong with the name Catweedhigh? I love that for my youtube site name. So I refused to change it for google's pleasure, then they would not let me sign in and out of youtube and blogger, since they own both now. So I said goodbye to google chrome since I knew they were monitoring me on chrome and now I have no problems signing in and out. So far...They'll find me. They always do. Screw you google gestapo.

Red Shoes said...

This is the blog post title of the year right here...

