Monday, April 11, 2011

Brain Pop-Ups!

Fake it 'till you make it. It's not even noon yet? You don't know me. Chain me up. I'm watching Lifetime movies and crying. All I'm thinking about is going back to bed. I can't be like other women. It's taken me 2 hours to do dishes? Really? I thought it said snow-drizzle. I want a baby so I can nurse. I'm hot. I'm not gonna like summer. What if I stick a cigarette in my eye?


Dazee Dreamer said...

Bad day huh. Can I join you

Furry Bottoms said...

I trust you won't stick a lit cigarette in your eye. The smoke will warn you beforehand. That or the heat from the end. I think you're OK in that. And why would you wwant to be like other women? I like you just fine!

Ms. A said...

Don't you dare mess up a perfectly good cigarette! If all you can do is stick it in your eye, just give it to me! I can put it to much better use.

Jenner said...


Jenner said...

Oh and I SUPPOSE I can share Dr House, because that means I am still getting a piece of that ass!

raydenzel1 said...

some days are like that.

Full-On-Forward said...

I wanna veg and watch chick flicks with my wife!

I think I need to see a Doctor!

Great post


AiringMyLaundry said...

Lifetime movies either make me tear up or make me laugh from the cheesiness.

Megan said...

It took me two days to do the dishes over the weekend.

On My Soapbox said...

Sounds like a bad day with a good dose of randomness. At least you know your imagination is still working. Hope you get some sleep and that things look up soon. :-)

Anonymous said...

I cry if someone tries to force me to watch a movie, any movie.
Hope things are slowly getting better for you. ~Mary

Shen said...

I'm glad you avoided the cigarette to the eye.

Maybe there are no perfect women. In fact, I'm pretty sure there aren't. I wonder if there are even any who think their lives are good the way they are... and who love themself.

No - I believe I do know one woman like that. I put her on a pedistal and that's the reason, I believe. I want to be like her and liked by her...
