Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mostly for Ms. A

MS. A - 'Course Joe Cap and I are close. Our relationship all started with a blue crayon. It is the reason my blog is blue. Well - that and the fact that I dabble in depression. It is also Joe's favorite color and I'm not sure why, but I hope it doesn't have anything to do with blue balls. I do hate to travel but you know me, but I will do anything for a friend. I re-read your "about me" thingie. Every word describes me exactly!!! That doesn't mean we are the same person, making one of us unnecessary. But honest to God, literally every word could have been from my mouth. OMG! I just realized IRL, I .....am Mrs. A.!!! How cool is that? OK, now quit hogging my post!

Er....ya know what? The Hunter is apparently calling me to participate in dinner making so...hopefully I will get back here later. Kisses


Ms. A said...

LMAO!!! Now I know you're crazy!

Ms. A said...

PS: I don't dabble in it... I'm full on neck deep!

The Bipolar Diva said...

you're awesome.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Alrighty then...

Joe Cap said...

Ah, it does my heart good when my efforts are acknowledged. Yes, Ms. A, we are very close...maybe I should blog about it!
