Oh snap. And yard waste gets picked up Wednesday morning.
No problem. We still have 2 more weeks of pick up.
Besides, I LOVE SNOW!!!!
Hunter is off hunting for the month. He really hasn't been feeling well lately.
But at least he's taking his medicine.
I am too tired depressed lazy to blog or do laundry or empty the dishwasher or anything. I did get groceries but feel like it's too much trouble to put together a salad. A salad people. Are you kidding me????? I blame the fact that it's too cold or too dark or....well anything I can think of.
Really, there is nothing wrong with me. Oh I know laziness is not normal behavior. But then....we all know I am kind of a freak.
All I do is whine. Seriously. How hard is it to get off my ass and put one foot in front of the other and actually do something. What's next? Depends?
I hope that you enjoy your time alone and just have a great relaxing time by yourself Middle Child!
God, you sound like me ! I have just finished a salad for lunch.lol
Doing anything when I'm down is just about impossible. I understand where you are coming from.
Blessings and Bear hugs!
Hi, MC...
I love snow, too, as long as I can stay inside and don't have to drive in it. :)
Take this time to fortify yourself my friend.
As long as no one else is depending on you for anything.... give yourself permission to take each day as it comes.
Alone Time .... we all can use it! I shit you not!
Rest up! Sometimes the sleep is a better use of your time than sitting around worrying about what you're not doing.
Sleep is always a good use of your time, now that I think about it...
Well making a salad takes effort, so I get you. At the moment I'm doing what I have to do and nothing else. But I'm only sleeping 4 hours a night so everything is an effort for me too.
Just chill and relax and enjoy some alone time!
You should listen to Suede, and of course I will love you forever.
There is nothing wrong with plane relaxing. I would take relaxing instead of being seriously involved in any of the chores any day. LOL
Sending a shot of endorphins your way! You need some cheese, lady!
Is raking snow anything like herdin' cats??
wow i really love the snow!!
albanian property
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