Saturday, March 3, 2012

Thanks for the help asshole.

Well, I had part of this post done and it went away so.....
Anyway, I carried the suitcases-mine-down the front stairs and now I hope I have to have emergency hernia surgery again.  I know.  It's not like I'm a stranger.  For them you would lift their car and hold it up so they could change their tire.  I am glad that you are out trying to shovel away the icy snow that we will be leaving behind tomorrow.  I'm sorry that mine is the only voice you can't hear.  Guess all those years of voice lessons were a waste of time.
A reminder;  I know all I do is complain and those of you who know me are ok with that.  All others feel free to turn the page.  I will love you anyway.
Hmmmm.  Just lost that last sentence.  As an aside;  There are good things.  He kisses me good morning.  We hug alot.  He often asks me-if he's going out or on his way home-if I need him to stop and get me something.  If I tell him something, even milk, he always says we don't need it or we'll get that later.  Gotta go and finish my packing.
Oh, BTW I am bring a shit-load of clothes.  So there!


Confessions of a Closet Hoarder but you can call me Judy said...

I hate when I lose a post or part of one. Someone told me about Ctrl X. It undoes the last thing you've done on your page. It works in most things on Blogger (including comments that you start and accidentally lose with a flick of a finger), and it has saved me over and over again from having to rewrite entire posts. I just wish I'd have known about it a few years ago. It would have saved me a ton of time! I can't even count how many posts I had to redo from the very beginning!

Hope your hernia isn't actually a hernia and that you can enjoy your vacation. And I've got to know...does that mean you packed more than 4 skirts, 4 shirts, 4 pants and 4 sweaters or whatever it was? ;)

Dazee Dreamer said...

I'm going with your he's an asshole. errrrrr

My name WAS Female, I shit you not! said...

Did Hunter suffer the loss of his arms since you last posted?
Did you hint LOUDLY that you needed help?
I'm okay with him not being able to go on this trip if he lost both arms ;0)...cause I couldn't stand to see anything killed. BUT...that's JUST ME!
Can't wait to hear ALL ABOUT your Fun In The Sun!
I'm picturing you tied to the roof of the car/truck/van. ;0)
Next time..check to see if you accidently posted what you wrote ( which you did ) and just go back and Edit it. I've done that in the past and probably ...will again. sighhhhhhh

Unknown said...

I tell ya what...I love it when you bitch--I haven't had anything too positive for everyone so I've stayed away. But Ya know...I think I may feel better to just put it out there. Complain away:)

Anonymous said...

God bless you..

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Confessions of a Closet Hoarder but you can call me Judy said...

For some reason, I just remembered that I told you Ctrl X. That's not right!! Ctrl X cuts something from your writing. Ack!!

However, Ctrl Z is what brings it all back and works as an undo button!!
