I tried a few times but I am unable to do it. And I am getting sooooo frustrated!! I know someone out there knows how to do it.
Yeah. I don't know how I got on...what? What did you think I was talking about? I l a Google+ I don't know how I got there but I don't want it.
So Meadow's team won their first game in the tournament and right after that they won thessecond then after that they played the first place team. Good game! They lost by two and if they had started that last inning at the top of batting order. Meadow took a hard pitch to the thigh when she was at bat. She always plays on and we never see the extent of her injuries until we get home. I am going to try to attach a picture but I am pretty sure Google+ will rear it's ugly head and I probably won't be able to.
instead of the bottom I have no doubt they would have won.
Thanks! I will try this.
Google + is pretty confusing for me. Plus I have a YouTube channel that I put my vlogs on, so between blogger, google + and YT, it's very confusing and there are all kinds of views and pages, and frankly I just can't figure out why it can't be better streamlined and more simply done. Ugh! I recently changed my profile pic, and every time I thought I had changed it everywhere I found another profile type page where it had not been changed.
Well done to Meadow's team although that injury looks sore, hope that she gets well soon!
(((hugs)))to u both
Don't get me started on Google+. I just try to ignore it.
MC....I hate Google+ or just plain Google, too. Waaay too complicated.
In fact, I needed a new email address due to my service provider folding...I changed to gmail (had NO idea gmail was Google...duh) and now they have blocked me out of my blog OF SIX YEARS....! Man..
I am really REALLY pissed about it, too. !!
well, I have a new blog now...and wanted you to have the address...
Hope you are doing ok.....
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